Melina's page on how to give up smoking

Realize that you cannot smoke and be healthy both at the same time.

Think about the money that you will save.

Think about the worry that you will save yourself, your family and your friends.

Take your family and friends into confidence about your intention to quit smoking so that they can give you the necessary support.

Once you have decided to quit, you should set a day, preferably a holiday when you should not be under so much pressure.

Then clean up your house of all the cigarettes you have.

Do more exercise, indulge in outdoor activities, eat more fruit and take plenty of fluids. All these will help you divert your attention from smoking and will make you feel healthy.

If you think that you are really hooked on nicotine and find it hard not having a cigarette in your hand or mouth, then you may find NICOTINE REPLACENT useful. This means taking nicotine by a safe method for a number of weeks to reduce cravings for a cigarette, while you become used to not being a smoker, then you gradually reduce your intake of nicotine and finally cut it out altogether.There are two metods of doing this:

Chewing gum and sking patches. The gum releases Nicotine when chewed, you can get the lower dose variety of nicotine gum, and it takes a few days to find out how to use it most effectively. The skin patches are like sticking plasters usually worn over the upper arm over the day, they release a steady stream of nicotine into the body through the skin.