(Updated 22nd May 2001)

If you are an EFL student, you're probably sick and tired of your British / US / Canadian / Irish / Australian / New Zealand (if I've missed any out, please tell me!) teacher dismissing your favourite bands as rubbish, and telling you that you really have to listen to some band you've never heard of. Well I can't help you with the first part (EFL teachers are always going to be like that!) but I can help you get one jump ahead of your teacher. It also allows me to indulge myself a little, and for you to enjoy yourself doing a little free-range surfing. I've chosen the sites below using the following criteria:

  1. They relate to GOOD BANDS

  2. They contain interesting material and links to other interesting sites

  3. Dropping the names of these bands (mentioning them casually in conversation) will impress your teacher (if it doesn't, don't worry, it means your teacher is behind the times!)

NB - all these links will open in new windows

That's enough for now, but come back soon for some more tips.

If you have a band / site you think should be on this page email me at webmaster@efllinks.freeservers.com

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