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Comprehension questions:

  1. Where and when were they formed, and what inspired them? (in Londonderry in 1975, and they were inspired by Punk)
  2. Who were they compared to, and who did they see themselves as similar to? (the Ramones and the Buzzcocks, they compared themselves to the Skids)
  3. What were their songs about? (Love - and how to get it)
  4. How were they different from Wire PIL and Joy Division? (they sang simple straightforward songs with clear lyrics)
  5. Why did they split up? (lack of success - sales, and disagreements within the band)
  6. What have the various members of the band gone on to do? (Feargal had a solo career and now works for an organisation that controls radio, John and Damian went on to form 'That Petrol Emotion', John and Billy work in computers)
  7. What may happen this year? (they may reform)

Look for words (in bold) and phrases (in bold and underlined) which mean the same as:

  1. a list of the members in a band (lineup)
  2. adjective applied to the first people to do sth (pioneers
  3. when a group of people who have been together a long time separate (noun) (a parting of the ways)
  4. allowing yourself to do or have what you enjoy, ignoring what is good, or what others want (indulgence)
  5. things that you do to have fun (slang) (kicks)
  6. when a band or a group of classmates get together again (reunion)
  7. not direct (oblique)
  8. difficult to perceive or understand (obscure)
  9. something which happened or existed before another thing, esp. if it either developed into it or had an influence on it (precursor)
  10. versions of other bands’ songs (cover)
  11. get together to create a band (form)
  12. get together again as a band (reform
  13. temptation (lure)
  14. appear to be going to (look set to)
  15. becoming more prominent and important (coming to the fore)
  16. one immediately after the other (in straight succession)
  17. concentrating specifically on achieving a characteristic (studiously)
  18. having had such success that you have lost your ability (literally: swollen and rounded because of containing too much air, liquid or food )
  19. (bloated)
  20. behave in an unintellectual way (dumb down)
  21. doing sth very well (excel)
  22. were the best at what they did (beat all comers)
  23. chainsaw (refers here to the noise it makes) (buzzsaw)
  24. friends (colloquial) (mates)
  25. became as successful as..(made it as big as)
  26. we’ll find out what happens in the future (remains to be seen)
  27. feeling of nervousness or a bad atmosphere (tension)
  28. inspired, suddenly provoked
  29. (snapped)
  30. to make obvious or show clearly
  31. (evince)
  32. having gas in the stomach and the bowels (flatulence)
  33. trying to give the appearance of great importance, esp. in matters of art and literature, in a way that is obviously false (pretentious)
  34. noun from ‘pretentious ’(pretensions)
  35. a lot of time (which has passed by since a point in the past)(a lot of water under the bridge)
  36. gradual change
  37. (drift)
  38. bendito alivio
  39. (blessed relief)
  40. short, energetic period
  41. (burst)

  1. The novel deals with grand themes, but is never heavy or pretentious.
  2. Eating beans can cause flatulence
  3. In all the years I knew her, she never evinced any desire to do such a thing.
  4. We had a family reunion where I saw relatives I hadn't seen for 20 years.
  5. The whole band performed well, but the lead guitarist in particular excelled throughout the concert.
  6. The lure of gold attracted many people to the San Francisco area around 1849.
  7. In her speech she made several oblique references to the current financial situation.
  8. German World War Two rocket weapons were the precursors of modern space rockets.
  9. He really makes an effort to keep up with the latest trends; in fact you could say that he’s studiously fashionable.
  10. The talks are the latest attempt to halt the drift towards full-scale war.
  11. In a burst of energy he jumped up and washed the dishes, and then sat down again to relax.
  12. They talk in an obscure jargon that's almost impossible to understand.


Before you listen to the song, match the rhyming word below:

do - you

alone - home

game - name

well - hell

bad that

girls - world

Get Over You - The Undertones

(1 dressed like that you must be (2 living in a different world
And your (3 mother doesn't know why you can't (4 look like all the other girls

They (5 stop you in the street - they wanna (6 know your name
To (7 reach you on the phone - cause they (8 know your game
Always (9 running up the alley - (10 trying to get home
Or (11 standing on the corner - (12 never alone

And I don't wanna get over you
It doesn't (13 matter what you do
I just can't get over you - over you

You say the (14 boys with the bikes and the leathers’d like to (15 beat you to hell
And the (15 girls where you work don't (16 treat you too well
You (17 think you're such a smacker - (18 but you ain't so bad
(19 get what you want - with (20 looks like that
Always (10 running up the alley - (11 trying to get home
Or (12 standing on the corner - (13 never alone

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