A Little Time – The Beautiful South



Listen to the song and answer the following questions:

 -How many people are involved?


-At the beginning      -What is their relationship?

             -What does he want to do?

             -What does she want to do?


-At the end         -What is their relationship?

             -What does he want to do?

             -What does she want to do?





A Little Time

I need a little time, to think it over.

I need a little space, just on my own.

I need a little time, to find my freedom.

I need a little...


(It’s) Funny how quick the milk turns sour,

(1)___ _  __, ___ _  _?

Your face has been looking like that for hours,

(2)____ _  __, ____ _  __?

Promises, promises, turn to dust;

Wedding bells just turn to rust;

Trust into mistrust.


I need a little room, to find myself.

I need a little space, to work it out.

I need a little room, all alone.

I need a little....


You need a little room for your big head,

(3)___ _ ___, ___ _ ___?

You’ll need a little space for a thousand beds,

(4)___ _ ___, ___ _ ___?

Lips that promise, fear the worst,

Tongue so sharp the bubble burst.

Just into unjust.


I’ve had a little time, to find the truth.

Now I’ve had a little time, to check what’s wrong.

I’ve had a little time, and I still love you.

I’ve had a little...


You had a little time and you had a little fun,

(5)____ _  ___, ____ _ __?

While you had yours do you think I had none?

Do you, do you?

The freedom that you wanted bad(ly), is yours for good,

I hope you’re glad:

Sad into ‘unsad’


I had a little time, to think it (6)____

I had a little room, to work it (7)___

I found a little courage, to call it (8)___.


I’ve had a little time.

I’ve had a little time.

I’ve had a little time.

I’ve had a little time.