The One With The Birth

Story by David Crane & Marta Kauffman Teleplay by Jeff Greenstein & Jeff Strauss Transcribed by Mindy Mattingly Phillips []. Minor additions and adjustments by Dan Silverstein [].


1. Phoebe

2. Rachel


4. Chandler

5. Ross

6. Joey


Other characters: Dr Franzblau, a obstetrician; Lydia, a woman having a baby; Carol, Ross’ exwife; Susan, Carol’s lesbian lover.


Decide who you think says the following:

1.       Yes, Joey's made arrangements to have his baby in a movie from the 50's.

2.       I just thought we might be here for awhile. You know, things might get musical.

3.       So, I understand you're thinking of having a baby? Well, I see you're nine months pregnant. That's a good start. How you doing with your contractions? )

4.       They're tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch, and soon they'll grow up and resent you so much. Now they're yelling at you and you don't know why, you cry and you cry and you cry. And you cry and you cry and you cry...

5.       Yeah, well, it's an important day. I wanna look nice. Um, has uh Dr. Franzblau been by?

6.       No no no. I don't have a son named Jordie. We all agreed, my son's name is Jamie.

7.       I don't care. I am trying to get a person out of my body here, and you're not making it any easier.

8.        Ok, who wants to hear something ironic?

Complete the following dialogue:

[Scene: The broom closet. Ross and Susan are trying to get out.]

ALL: Help!

ROSS: I'm having a baby in here! Ok, everyone (1)______ back. [walks backwards as if he is going to break down the door, but steps in a bucket and falls] Ow.

[Scene: Carol's room. Rachel and Dr. Franzblau are there with her.]

CAROL: Are they here yet?

RACHEL: No, honey, they're not, but don't worry, because we are going to (2)_______them, and until we do, we are all here for you, ok?




RACHEL: [to Dr. Franzblau] Ok, so anyway, you were telling me about Paris, it sounds (3)_______________.

DR. FRANZBLAU: It really was. There was this great little pastry shop right by my(4)______________. [Carol sits up in pain, Rachel and Dr. Franzblau casually lay her back down] There you go, dear.

[Scene: Lydia's room. Joey is helping her deliver.]

JOEY: Come on, Lydia, you can do it. Push! Push 'em out, push 'em out, harder, harder. Push 'em out, push 'em out, way out! Let's get that ball and really (5)___________, hey, hey, ho, ho. Let's-- [notices the nurse looking at him strangely] I was just--yeah, right. Push! Push!

[Scene: The broom closet. Ross has picked up a vacuum and is holding it at the door.]

SUSAN: What're you gonna do, suck the (6)__________ open?

ROSS: Help! Help!

PHOEBE: (singing) They found their bodies the very next (7)_______, they found their bodies the very next...[sees Ross and Susan staring at her] la la la la la la.

SUSAN/ROSS: [even louder] Help!


Answer the following questions:

1.      How old is Monica?

2.      Does Dr Franzblau have a girlfriend?

3.      How did Lydia’s husband know she was in the hospital?

4.      Who won the basketball game?

5.      What happened to Phoebe’s parents?

6.      What name is on the uniform Phoebe puts on?


Complete the following dialogue:

DR. FRANZBLAU: All right, he's crowning. Here he comes.

ROSS: Let me see, I gotta see, I gotta see. Oh, a (1)____________. Oh, it's, it's huge. Carol, how are you doing this?

CAROL: [straining] Not.... helping!

DR. FRANZBLAU: You're doing great, you're doing(2)______________.

ROSS: [puts his head near the baby] Hello! [to Dr. Franzblau] Oh, sorry.

SUSAN: What do you see? What do you see?

ROSS: We got a head, we got (3)________________, we got arms, we got, oh, look at the little fingers, oh, and a chest, and a (4)____________________. It's a boy, definitely a boy! All right! Ok, legs, knees, and feet. Oh, oh. He's here. He's a (5)__________________.

SUSAN: Oh, look at that.

CAROL: What does he look like?

ROSS: Kinda like my (6)___________ Ed, covered in Jello.

CAROL: Really?

PHOEBE: You guys, he's (7)_______________!

ROSS: Oh, thanks, Pheebs!

[They look up towards the vent and wave at Phoebe.]

[Scene: The delivery room. Carol is holding the infant.]

SUSAN: No shouting, but we still need a (8)______________ for this little guy.

ROSS: [thinking] How 'bout Ben?

SUSAN: I like Ben.

CAROL: Ben. Ben. Ben's good. How come you never mentioned Ben before?

ROSS: We uh, we just cooked it up.

SUSAN: That's what we were off (9)______________.

[Monica opens the door.]


ROSS: Hey.

MONICA: Can we come in?

[The whole gang enters.]

ROSS: [to Ben] I know, I know. Everybody, there's someone I'd like you to (10)_____________. Yeah. This is Ben. Ben, this is everybody.

PHOEBE: Susan, he looks just like you.

SUSAN: Thanks.

RACHEL: Oh, god, I can't believe one of us actually has one of these.

CHANDLER: I know, I (11)__________ am one of these.

MONICA: Ross, can I?

[Monica holds Ben.]

ROSS: The head, the head. You gotta...

MONICA: [getting choked up] Hi, Ben. Hi. I'm your Aunt Monica. Yes I am. I'm your Aunt Monica. I...I will always have (12)_____________.


Complete the following plot summary with the words in the box:


Between       stand       almost       while       having       has       baby

e One With The Birth

Carol is (1)___________ the baby and the childish competition (2)__________Ross and Susan is fierce - until Carol can't (4)________ it anymore and throws them out. They wind up locked in a janitor's closet with Phoebe and (5)________miss the birth. Meanwhile, Joey overcomes his squeamishness when he befriends a single mother-to-be and stands by her (6)________ she gives birth. Rachel takes a liking to Carol’s obstetrician and Monica (7)________ major maternal pangs. When Carol finally has the, (8)__________ everyone is overwhelmed by the miracle.