Links to other English learning pages:
There are a lot of things you can do on the Internet to learn English, from reading newspapers in English to chatting to other people in English. We're going to concentrate on sites devoted specifically to learning English, and I've tried to select ones which include exercises and activities, and excluded ones which you have to pay for (for some of them you may have to register, but you shouldn't need to pay!).
Here are some links for you to try - you can either scroll down through all of them, or jump to the ones you are interested in using the links below:
NB: most links will now open in a new window, so don't right-click to do this - this is for copyright reasons - I can't display other people's sites within my frameset
These include sites like this one, with lists of links to other sites. I've decided to divide up these sites, to give you a better idea of what they are like. I'm working on this at the moment, but come back soon to find a more user-friendly set of links! Remember to e-mail me with any comments, dead links, or any good ones you've found that aren't listed here. [click here to send mail to EFL links]
There are a lot of quizzes out there, not all aimed at English learners. This is by no means a comprehensive listing, it's really just a taster. If you do find any particularly good ones, do send me a mail. [click here to send mail to EFL links]
These sites are also of interest to general English students, especially those at higher levels.
Remember that there are a lot of listening activities included in the 'general' section (e.g. the BBC English site).
Links for Teachers / Activities for Classes
Readings (mostly from non EFL sources)
I've selected these, particularly for CAE type classes, from the enormous quantity of reading material available on the internet. High level readings on economic subjects
A few pieces of advice if you're going to write to a e-pal:
If you are under 18, always make sure your parents know what you are doing (ask their permission).
Never send offensive material.
If you receive offensive, aggressive or unpleasant material, don't respond.
send photographs, give personal information or arrange to
meet the person until you are sure you know a lot about
them. International House's own association, which allows you to find other students to exchange e-mails with, meet, or even stay with. It seems to be used mostly for exchanges (i.e. offering and getting accommodation). An opportunity to write letters and e-mails to other students E-mail and chat all over the world The world's largest on-line classroom community: sign up and Find e-pals based on age, grade, geography, curriculum, language and more.
If you don't want to leave this page, right-click and open in a new window. These pages can be displayed in my frameset!
For most of these links, if you don't want to leave this page, right click and open the link in a new window.
Here are some exercises for you to try (click here).
Please send your comments, any dead links, or any recommended new links to:
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